The biggest community of Design is here with the sponsorship for Design Education. In past 12 years of our grass root efforts, research and capacity building process we
“This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”
― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
In the times when the world has been transformed by the #power_of_design, we bring to you the discussion where food meets design. The food designers all around the globe try to impress diner with new visuals, textures, colors, aroma, shapes , architecture, balance anything else they can think of. Innovation in food presentation lies when design creates uniqueness, beauty and surprise. Food design combines marketing and communication skills with sensitivity and the ability to manage design project methods catering to all the sensory organs.
It involves the use of design methodologies and design approach to create methods, spaces and processes where products are processed, distributed and consumed. They manage the design of equipment and tools used to prepare and consume food. Food design includes the process of design studies and research that generates new products related to food. This discipline is part of the industrial design and is in charge of the creation and design of food, parts of complex food products and in some way related to them. Food Design collaborates with different disciplines such as biology, genetics, anthropology, psychoanalysis, sociology, nutrition, research on sociability and social mediation and the history of culinary systems and forms of conviviality.
Design with food-the design of the food;
The metaphorical connotations shall be very clear if we look at it as an object, and working with it as though it were a design project taking on its usability, ergonomics, the logic of its industrializations, its shape, materials, naming, packaging and rituals of use.
DAD has made the world class Design Education affordable now by sponsoring 50%, 25% of the total fee
Where just a simple coaching that provides informal education without any kind of certification with huge amount of fee, we at DAD Think Labs bring to you the only certified short term course which is 50% sponsored by Design community across the globe. This course deals in art and craft and material handling with certification of basics in Design Research.
Course Inputs
Course Output
DAD as a community is dedicated to serve our future leaders of design fraternity. We support students by funding their education and by helping them to make smart financial decisions when it comes to their education. We invest in students so that they have a brighter future for themselves, their families and our community.
“वह सभी पर अपनी कृपा बढ़ाता है और प्राणियों को अनुभव और मुक्ति देता है” | वह स्थूल, सूक्ष्म और सर्वोच्च है, प्रकट और अव्यक्त दोनों है, वह जाग्रत, स्वप्न और गहरी नींद है। वह परम कल्पना हैं, जिन्होंने अतीत, वर्तमान और भविष्य को रचा है। वे कल्पना के उपकरण और प्रेरणा है। वह परम कल्पना दर्शन और सर्वोच्च कल्पना विचारक है।
भगवान शिव ही सब कुछ हैं और सब कुछ उनसे ही हैं। वह ध्वनि, स्पर्श, रंग, स्वाद और गंध है, ब्रह्मांड में मौजूद सभी प्राणियों के भावना अंग हैं। वह एक बिंदु, रेखा, वृत्त, त्रिकोण और रचना के सभी तत्व हैं। वह आकार, रूप, संतुलन, सद्भाव और रचना के सभी सिद्धांत हैं। शिव “एक” रचनाकार या कोई रचना निर्माता नहीं है जो केवल “रचना” करता है, वह सृजनकर्ता है, क्योंकि “उनके माध्यम से ही सभी चीजों की कल्पना किया गया था, उनके बिना कुछ भी रचना नहीं किया गया था”। उन्होंने उन चीजों को रचना किया जो परम कृति हैं। शिव द्वारा रचना किए गए सभी रचना यह दर्शाता है कि वह कितना उल्लेखनीय है। क्या आपने कभी प्रकृति को महसूस किया । यह परम रचना हमें परम रचनाकार की ओर इशारा करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। तो आइये हम सृष्टि के रचनाकार कहे जाने वाले भगवान शिव को नमन करे।
Shiva and Design “He extends his grace to all and gives creatures experience and liberation” He is the gross, the subtle and the supreme; the manifested, the non-manifested and that which is both; he is wakefulness, dream and deep sleep. He is the ultimate designer, who designed the past, the present and the future. He is the instruments and tools of design. He is the ultimate design philosopher and the supreme design thinker. The Lord Shiva is everything and all that. He is the sound, touch, colour, taste and smell. He is perceived as all the sensory organs of the creatures; universe and beyond. He is master of observation and guru of perception.
He is point, line, circle, triangles and all the elements of design. He is shapes, forms, balance, harmony and all the principles of design yet he is not limited by design .The nature of designs and design thinking is unique and established only in him. Shiva is not “a” designer or someone who simply “designs”, he is ‘The Designer’, because he is the reason for existence of the beauty of the nature. He is the creator of which are ultimate masterpieces making ‘The Lord Shiva’ remarkable the way he is.
Have you ever looked at a sunset and had to stop and share for a minute? That is an ultimate design trying to point us towards the ultimate designer.
The man who designed the new India for new generation.
It is a privilege of DAD Patna to welcome the man who designed new India for new generation ‘Shri Narendra Damodar Das Modi‘ in the capital of historical importance, the land of “Ashoka the great”, ‘Patliputra’ well-known as Patna these days. We at DAD Think labs Patna are proud to accept him as promoter of provoking thoughtful youth minds in design fraternity. The man who facilitated investment, foster innovation, enhanced design skill development ,enriched the design thinking in youths protected intellectual property and built in class manufacturing infrastructure. We have a set of words and thoughts of appreciation for the man who initiated “Make in India” campaign and designed an impetus to manufacturing and designed in India and make India a global hub of design and manufacturing. He is the Man who upgraded the infrastructure in industrial clusters.
He as the facilitator of the “Swacha Bharat Abhiyan” made it a mass movement across the nation improving the nations cleanliness and improved the country’s aesthetically importance.The most significant cleanliness campaign by government of India focusing on sanitation and maintaining a hygienic environment has improved the design aesthetics of the nation. And has shown the world the #powerofdesign
Indian Design education is all set to hold its selection process in next 17 days. And DAD empowers the aspirants with 50 set of Test papers to make sure they are well equipped with techniques and strategies for the tests.
One test consists of two parts
GAT- General Ability Test or General Aptitude Test
CAT- Creative Ability Test or DAT- design Aptitude Test
GAT- General Ability Test or General Aptitude Test
This test is designed to check the quantitative ability of a student and the knowledge to comprehend the calculations and system of numbers and the conviction in the end result. – (Question 1 to 25…….. numbering may vary)
This test is designed to check the analytical ability of a student and the knowledge to think on set of solutions simultaneously and perform accordingly. – (Question 26 to 64…….. numbering may vary)
This test is designed to check the command over the language and ability to understand the basics of the knowledge to connect it with daily life. – (Question 65 to 125…….. numbering may vary)
This test is designed to check the awareness about our surroundings and the observation and recalling skills (Question 125 to 150…….. numbering may vary)
CAT- Creative Ability Test or DAT- design Aptitude Test
This is a paper based test designed to check your creative ability, your ability to generate new ideas, understanding of materials and visual aesthetics and skills of transferring your thoughts on paper for others to understand. A bit of conceptual writing skills are also judged to ensure the clarity of your thoughts and the originality of the idea.
©DAD-United Countryouths Federation, Republic of India