Celebrating Womensday with the most valuable gift by the God - DAD

यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः ।
यत्रैतास्- तु न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्- राफलाः क्रियाः ॥
This means, where a woman is respected, the place becomes God’s abode, by God’s abode, we mean, divine qualities, good deeds, peace, and harmony. However, if this is not done, then all the actions turn out to be fruitless.
Woman is the designer and curator of the success story of every man. “Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity…If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man’s superior…If non-violence is the law of our being, the future is with women…” –Mahatma Gandhi
Achievement of a man is in the hands of the women associated with his life. Women is metaphorically the Mother Nature. We learn from her unconsciously with a formal or informal systems hence serving as the first teacher of the child. It is the behavioural knowledge and creativity that she imbibes bit by bit second by second, by her creative ways of thinking and providing nurturance and individualistic care systems for our growth. The same instincts that our personality inculcates, designs the real we.
Women play a vital role in designing our lives creating easier to walk up the rungs of the success ladder. Women design a man’s life and turn him into successful intellect. Woman minds has been built in a way that it generates a strong connect of cognitive science, design and human beings and it would not be wrong to say that without women whole human species would cease to exist.
“Behind every successful man there is a woman”, Successful man does not mean CEO’s of multimillion organization or those gentlemen who are minting money, or sitting at extraordinary posts. Successful means any average gentleman who is working hard, earning his living, providing well for his family, doing justice to his work, whose heart and mind are at peace both at work and at home. Not only in the case of a man but this saying stands for the design functioning of the whole world. She designs strength and support behind the success of an individual.
‘ International Women’s Day’ is all about feeling women realize their worth and giving them boost to achieve as per their actual potential. On this day the world unites to appreciate their courage to cross all the hurdles and make such tremendous improvement in all most all the spheres of life. Besides that, important thing to be emphasised is the work that still needs to be done to fill that gap completely that had existed from ages. Let us cherish the glory of women on this day.
Happy Womens day !!!”