India’s Biggest Test Series of Design Bullet test series Set-06


Indian Design education is all set to hold its selection process . And DAD empowers the aspirants with 10 set of Test papers to make sure they are well equipped with techniques and strategies for the tests.


  • Do not skip any instruction before answering each and every question.
  • Read between the lines and do not jump as the clue to the answer are hidden right there.
  • Exploring several option is a better idea as it helps your speed up your test and saves time.
  • Every question has four option as answers out which one is correct.
  • Mark the correct answer only in the OMR sheet provided to you.
  • Use only blue or black ball pens to mark the OMR sheet

One test consists of two parts

GAT- General Ability Test or General Aptitude Test

CAT- Creative Ability Test or DAT- design Aptitude Test

GAT- General Ability Test or General Aptitude Test

  • Quantitative Ability Test

This test is designed to check the quantitative ability of a student and the knowledge to comprehend the calculations and system of numbers and the conviction in the end result. – (Question 1 to 25…….. numbering may vary)

  • Analytical Ability Test

This test is designed to check the analytical ability of a student and the knowledge to think on set of solutions simultaneously and perform accordingly. – (Question 26 to 64…….. numbering may vary)

  • Communication Ability Test

This test is designed to check the command over the language and ability to understand the basics of the knowledge to connect it with daily life. – (Question 65 to 125…….. numbering may vary)

  • General Awareness Test

This test is designed to check the awareness about our surroundings and the observation and recalling skills   (Question 125 to 150…….. numbering may vary)

CAT- Creative Ability Test or DAT- design Aptitude Test

This is a paper based test designed to check your creative ability, your ability to generate new ideas, understanding of materials and visual aesthetics and skills of transferring your thoughts on paper for others to understand. A bit of conceptual writing skills are also judged to ensure the clarity of your thoughts and the originality of the idea.