Through a national level test, searching 11 DESIGN ASPIRANTS who are passionate about design as a career and can be a leader of tomorrow in design industry to support India in becoming an ‘International Design Hub’
देश के ‘११ ऐसे विद्यार्थी’ जिनमें डिजाईन में करियर बनाने का जज्बा है, उनको ११ महीने तक बिलकुल मुफ्त तैयारी कराइ जाएगी I इस में हिस्सा लेने के लिए छात्रों का एक राष्ट्र स्तरीय टेस्ट के माध्यम से चयन किया जायेगा I यह छात्र निकट भविष्य में भारत को एक ‘अन्तराष्ट्रीय डिजाईन हब’ बनाने में अहम् भूमिका निभायेंगे I
The biggest community of Design is here with the sponsorship for Design Education. In past 12 years of our grass root efforts, research and capacity building process we have succeeded to create a community that has strength, presence and capabilities to sponsor the future leaders of Design.
Sponsoring something (or someone) is the act of supporting a person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services. The individual or group that provides the support, similar to a benefactor, is known as sponsor. There are so many large companies that believe in investing in education — so much, in fact, that they’ve dedicated foundations to sponsor scholarships for students. These organizations offer great opportunities for high school, and sometimes college students, to win money to help pay for their dream school. We’ve collaborated with a list of corporate-sponsored scholarships to help you in your partly free education.
Design by itself is collaborative in nature. We hereby with our collaborations make the world class education in Design available even to one and all who are passionate about it. DAD is an organization that has maximum number of members from Design Research Society, London, UK. We have transformed the complete education into a fun based learning systems. The well researched, rehearsed and proven study materials have been an edge and an added value to our free online support systems.
Our very recent open source has helped not less than 10,000 students in just one month from across the nation to judge themselves before the nation entrance tests. These test series have always been a paid and very costly affair for aspirants. DAD has derived a master key for every aspirant open up those barriers and avail the nations’s biggest series of tests for free. The best part of these tests is that these test are absolutely solved and are compiled from using books, internet and other sources as well.
We here have set up a call center where aspirants can talk directly to NIFTIANS NIDIANS and design researchers. The students and guardians can clear all the confusions sitting at their home saving time and money.Students can connect with us directly on calls and discuss their financial, time and classes related issues.
So, it is neither a surprise, nor it is just a mere donation. It is a social support that we offer professionally and in a very well managed way as a community and we been have getting the love, trust and support back from the people. We are connected to companies, non-profits, and small businesses to make them collect certain amount or resources like time, stationary, support from the brand ambassadors.