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Nations first Design Think Tank in Patna

The Launch of DAD Think Labs

Why DAD?

In a world driven by the fast-changing scenarios, it is only innovation and creative thought process that can help us survive. The world is based on the constant equation of demand and supply and we here are dedicated to simplifying the equation by design thinking process. To initiate the league, DAD- Design Awareness Drive is all set to incept DAD Think Labs in schools and institutions that shall serve as innovation centers and ‘Design Think Tanks’. The concept of DAD is based on the objectives of ‘National Design Policy, Govt. of India’.

Design Awareness Drive has launched one of the country’s largest design research center ‘DAD Think Labs’ in Patna on Wednesday, 10th of April 2019. The grand opening ceremony of ‘DAD Think Labs’ was inaugurated by Shri Anjani Kumar Singh (Ex-Chief secretary Govt. of Bihar, present senior advisor, CM Bihar) & Poornima Shekhar Singh (Vice principal A.N. College).

The grand inauguration commenced by the arrival of various dignitaries from Patna. The show was initiated with the welcoming speech by Mr. Suraj Kumar a design researcher, social entrepreneur, Co-Founder of DAD. Suraj believes that DAD Think Labs enables the young and fresh minds to connect with their own ideas, revise, rehearse and present it to the outer world. He also stated the DAD Think labs are here to empower society through innovative design awareness ecosystems for a design-led, global economy. He quoted that India very soon is going to be an international design hub, according to NAtional design policy, Govt. of India.

Shri Anjani Kumar Singh, Ex-Chief secretary Govt. Of Bihar, present senior advisor, CM Bihar & Poornima Shekhar Singh, Vice principal A.N. College

The chief guest praised the entire event a lot. He guided with his inspirational words and inspired to do better. The Chief Guest spoke about design and its connection with nature. He stated the beauty of nature is all due to a medley of design in it. The trees, flowers are all colorful and designed differently. The flora is designed differently from the fauna. He also stated that design seeks to attract, create desire and motivate people to respond to messages with a view to make an impact. He continued …Signage can be an essential component of Business’s overall marketing strategy. The designing of the Patna museum was a costly affair. The museum’s architecture is an innovation in architectural design. It took a lot of efforts and money to design the fixtures and signage for the museum. He finally concluded by saying that design has lots of scope in a state like Bihar.

Mr. Mukesh Kumar shared a presentation on Trapigo and delivered the various success stories. Five people laid the foundation of Trapigo with the help of innovation. Students of IIM Ahmedabad, IIT, NID and NIFT Delhi made an idea. This was to remove the flaws of Indian Railway. Suraj, Mukesh Udit, Suyash, and Lalit laid the foundation of Trapigo. Trapigo is the last mile ‘Business to Business’ logistics service provider for food products and other critical amenities such as medicines, travel, kits, handicrafts, etc. He explained further Trapigo is unique as it has specialized the technology to deliver articles to the traveling customers (moving on trains) apart from the usual static ones. Trapigo plans to cater all the key tier 1 and tier 2 cities in India and expand our services to locations of strategic importance to our customers.

They provide highly automated app-based services with the real-time order status, location tracking features and a live performance dashboard. Trapigo partners with vendors to add value in terms of business development and analytics.

The event also witnessed the famous trio siblings Puja, Pawan, and Sneha who are the innovators and creators of Artkala. The trio delivered a presentation on how artkala was established and their journey of making YouTube videos. The best part of the channel is that they transform the old and useless waste materials into a daily need for useful materials. They upload a new video every day. Every DIY tutorial is very easy and simple to follow, perfect for the novice, explained step by step and achievable at home.

It was followed by the presentation of the momento by the IIM Alumnus and entrepreneur Mr. Mukesh Kumar. The momento was handcrafted portraying the ethos of Indian Design using Lota which is a special mention in the ‘India Report’ drafted by Govt. of India in 1958. India Report is the foundation of India design education.

The design was in the air and everyone sat glued to the show. Many more dignitaries were present in the event. Design professional as well as socially active persuasive enhanced the exquisiteness of the show. The event was a huge hit.

DAD congratulates Design Aspirants of India

India's biggest community congratulates all the Design Aspirants across the nation on making it to the mains round of NIFT NID admissions 2019

Every year thousands of students appear for entrance examinations of National Institute of Fashion Technology, India and National Institute of Design, India. This year the first phase results have proven to be better than the past.
The community has observed that the coaching have been involved in promoting design at grass root levels which have brought a substantial change in the mindset of parents and guardians. Design and Fashion industry has seen changes in career prospects with the changing world. It is the need of the hour to make people aware of the facts about the industry. The course content of the design education has been changed in India, it is time to change the guidance techniques, tools and materials. 

DAD Think Labs offers community sponsored certified courses of NIFT Situation Test and NID Studio Test

First time in the history of India the courses that were just given in the coaching have been modified and enhanced to make it more fruitful. The courses have been made more interactive, personalized and innovative. The young minds need to be polished in their own way rather than just forcing their mind with a set of old rules and boring study materials.

Visit our DAD Think Labs and meet the researchers, NIFTIANS, NIDIANS and innovators of design.

holi story
Holi is an inspiration to the global Design and Fashion industry

While the Design and Fashion industry is busy researching for the colors of the next season, kids on the Indian roads spray the Pantone chips. Holi is a candid process of generating new colors everywhere and with new ways.

While the Design and Fashion industry is busy researching for the colors of the next season, kids on the Indian roads spray the pantone chips. Holi is a candid process of generating new colors everywhere and with new ways.

India is the land of festivals and Holi is one of these festivals celebrated in spring season. It has also spread  to other areas of Asia and parts of the Western world through the diaspora from the Indian subcontinent. It is the festival of colors and the festival of love which announces the triumph of the good over evil. It is also celebrated as a thanksgiving for a good harvest. It lasts for a night and a day, where people smear each other with colours and drench each other. It also involves spraying powder colour over each other for which a set of white kurta and leggings are worn by women and a set of white kurta and pyjama by men. Colour white symbolises peace of mind and chaste mind. As holi is a symbol of wiping all negativity within us, so what is better than white.

Holi essentially connects us with design through colours. Now you must be thinking how, so let me tell you that colours are one of the elements of design. Have you ever wondered why red colours incites fear while black signifies evil on our culture. Well this is because of the color theory different colors create different moods within us. Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue and Pink these are the prominent colors of Holi each meaning something special in the Indian Holi psyche.

Hence India  perceives design on the form of fashion and colors very impressively. For worship of God or Goddess, for any festival celebration, for a wedding, for a birthday celebration, for a baby shower, for a funeral and even for receiving gifts, design in form of colors, lines, shapes, sizes, patterns, spaces, make an  important and meaningful stand.

India is the ‘Janani’ (mother) of design. The art and culture here reflects almost all the elements and principle of design appositely. And one of the most attractive example reflecting this is Indian fashion. Clothing in India not only changes depending on the climate but also depending on cultural tradition and festival of the people of each region, one of the most beautiful deep definition of fashion and design is the ‘Solah Shringaar’ of an Indian woman. Each ‘Shringaar’ on the body from top to bottom declare the power of design. The clothing here  encompasses the wide variety of Indian embroidery, prints, handwork and embellishment styles of wearing clothes. A wide mix of Indian traditional clothing and western style can be seen. The way each color symbolizes its meaning in the Indian attire, the same way each Indian attire symbolizes its meaning in the Indian psyche giving design a new perspective.

Resource persons


Khushi Sharma, Student Design Researcher

Design Aspirant, Patna

Design and Graphics

Pratim Mondal, Student  Design Researcher

Design Student

Animation Film Design, New Delhi



डिजाईन और नयी शिक्षा प्रणाली !!

इस धरती पर कदम रखते ही समाज से हमने बहुत कुछ लिया है, पर अब समय है कि अपने आप से एक सवाल पूछें कि हमने समाज को दिया क्या है ?

तो आइए, इसी सवाल का जवाब दे पाने के लिए हम अपने शख्सियत को और मजबूत करते हैं और एक ऐसे समुदाय का निर्माण करते हैं जहां से हम लोग एकजुट होकर इन सवालों का जवाब अपने आने वाली पीढ़ियों को देने में सक्षम हों |

समय बदलाव का है तो शिक्षा के तरीके में बदलाव क्यों नहीं ?

कहा जाता है और सच्चाई यही है कि किसी भी देश को आगे बढ़ाने में शिक्षा का सबसे बड़ा योगदान होता है, तो आइए हम अपने शिक्षा व्यवस्था को और मजबूत करते हुए एक ऐसे प्रणाली का निर्माण करते हैं, एक ऐसे नए तरीके का निर्माण करते हैं जहां से हम लोग अपने बच्चों को अपनी दुनिया में खुला छोड़ दें और उनको रचनात्मक आज़ादी दें | जहां से वे अपनी सोच का इस्तेमाल कर अपनी रचनात्मक प्रवृत्ति को और आगे बढ़ाते हुए देश के लिए एक सुनहरे भविष्य का निर्माण कर सकें |

इन्ही जरूरतों को आगे बढ़ाते हुए हम लोगों ने एक ऐसे समुदाय का निर्माण कर लिया है जहां पर डिजाइन एस्पिरेंट्स, डिजाइन एजुकेटर, डिजाइन प्रोफेशनल्स एवं डिजाइन से जुड़े स्टूडेंट्स भी शामिल हैं| डिजाईन एक ऐसी शिक्षा है जिसके बारे में अभी भी अलग-अलग धारणाएँ हैं | इसलिए हम लोग एकजुट होकर डिजाइन शिक्षा को जगह-जगह पहुंचाने और उससे होने वाले फायदे और उनको नहीं समझ पाने से होने वाले घाटे के बारे में लोगों को बताते हैं | इस डिज़ाइन जागरूकता अभियान के तहत हम बच्चों तक अलग-अलग माध्यम से पहुंचने के लिए प्रयासरत हैं | इस जागरूकता अभियान के तहत हम लोगों से घर-घर जाकर मिलते हैं और उनको डिजाइन से जुड़े हर जरूरी तथ्यों को बताते हैं| डिजाइन, विगत वर्षों में एक अच्छा करियर ऑप्शन बनकर उभरा है | अब आज वक्त है कि लोगों को डिज़ाइन के सही मायने बताए जाए और अगर कोई इसको अपना करियर बनाना चाहता है, उसको डिज़ाइन समुदाय में जोड़ा जाए|

पिक्चर : रंजित प्रसाद