Presenting examples to give the right direction with the help of the ‘Design Thinking’ process.
Conducting workshops to elaborately cover frequently asked questions like careers in innovation, entrepreneurship, design, institution, and scholarships.
As per the objectives of the National Design Policy, Govt. of India to promote higher education in design we run awareness workshops in schools promoting national and international design institutions after the K12 schooling system.
Conducting competitions both at primary and sr. secondary level. From each school, 5 students will be selected and the finalist will be selected by the jury from the same lot. The finalist will then complete with the finalist from the other schools and the jury will select winners.
Conducting workshops to elaborately cover frequently asked questions like careers in innovation, entrepreneurship, design, institution, and scholarships.
1. Once selected as an innovative idea the student will be funded and helped to take his her idea to the next level. A team would help them document, design, execute the idea practically.
2. The idea then will be promoted to the Govt. approved incubation centres for developing them into a potential Start-up.
3. Would be promoted for higher events and funds if need be.
OIPS is based on ‘Design Thinking’ methods and is being run under the aegis of DIL- DAD Incubation Labs.
Documenting the youngest minds.
An incubation center set up by a section 8 organization ‘United Countryouths Federation’ registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India to promote co-creative and innovative learning to foster Startup and entrepreneurial ecosystems at the school level. We are committed to be aligned with ‘AIM- Atal Innovation Mission by ATL- Atal Tinkering Labs’ which is an initiative of NITI Ayog, Govt. of India.
DAD Think Labs
To empower society through innovative design awareness ecosystems for the design-led global economy.