What is NIFT ?
What is nift ?NIFT (National Institute Of Fashion Technology) is a pioneer in envisioning and evolving fashion up in new Delhi in 1986 with the backing of ministry of textiles, to provide the citizens of this country with holistic training in the field of textile. So we understand that NIFT is a institute of fashion and we know that for a proper knowledge of a particular things we have to go step by by step. So NIFT is a step that give you knowledge about fashion.
FASHION is something we deal with everyday and it is a language which tells a story about person who wears it”clothes creates a wordless means of communication that we all understand “we all are very much aware with fashion. To know more about anything we have to go through some institute or college same as to know more about fashion we go to NIFT that’s helps us to know more about day to day fashion and give us an opportunity to show our point of view regarding FASHION.
HOW TO PREPARE FOR NIFT ?you don’t need to essentially join a coaching center in order to crack NIFT entrance exam. You can get admission at a NIFT completely on the basis of self-study. You need to follow an effective NIFT Entrance Exam Preparation Strategy that will separate you from rest of the test takers. Apart from your dedication and sincerity, knowing few practical tips will help you to a great extent in cracking the entrance exam.
Develop Observation & visualization Skills-The most crucial purpose of the exam is to test candidates’ creative and imaginative skills. Apart from that, the questions are framed in order to judge their general awareness, observation skills and visualization as well. It is a common myth among students that only good sketching is essential to crack the entrance exam. This is not true, as developing the aforementioned skills is equally important. You need to work on enhancing this skill set first..While sketching first make a light sketch and later darken the drawing once you are confident about it. This helps you save time erasing.
Improve your Speed-Having exceptional drawing skills and creativity is useless if you don’t have speed. The whole idea is to be able to present your imagination and uniqueness in the exam in the limited time duration. You should work on enhancing your speed so that you can answer all the questions in the given time.
Be Innovative: Being unconventional to use your imagination and original ideas to create something is a prerequisite to clear this exam. You should have the ability to come up with unique ideas to design something new.
Solve Sample Papers- practice is the key to success try to sketch almost anything and everything you come across. Practices sample papers as much as you can. This will give you an idea about the types of questions that are asked in the exam. You will know the difficulty level of the entrance test as well. Moreover, this will aid in increasing your speed to a great extent. Solving previous years’ papers will also let you know the sequence in which you should answer different sections. I might say that practise the previous year question papers will be of tremendous help.
Improve General Awareness-It is not necessary that you cram up your mind with each and every General Knowledge book. Awareness about current happenings is more important. For this, read newspapers daily. Moreover, you should also know about famous designers who have contributed in this challenging field. Spend time on reading fashion & design books/magazines. You need to develop a genuine passion for this domain.
Don’t waste time in Erasing & Redrawing-In the limited hours given to you for completing the exam, you have to make sure that you do not waste time in erasing and redrawing, which most of the candidates do. To ensure this, it is recommended that you draw with a light hand first focusing majorly on outlining only. After getting satisfied with the rough outline and dimensions, you can start with the detailing work and finalize it.